
So with the current threat of Covid-19 we are having to change some of the ways we do things.

Our events will have hand washing/Hand sanitiser areas, we recommend all participants to wash hands when they can!

Social distancing will be in effect during the whole event.

In the safe zone we would like all participants to only use their table and try to keep all your blasters/gear with you or in a bag.

There will be no hand tags/Knife kills or Medic tags in our games until we are aloud too (we will be trialing new and different ideas)

There will be dart sweeps at the ends of games, all darts will be put into buckets to be cleaned. This means no scavenging during games.

There will be gloves and masks available for participants if needed.

Full face masks are advised.

These will be in effect until this goes away and we can get back to playing games like normal.